Autumn in Uibh Laoire
Fall gently friend
From the branch; where, all Winter,
You’ve lived heavily budded.
Just visible on the shapely silhouette,
highlighted against a barely risen sun.
Fall gently friend.
You were green in younger days
When you woke to life’s expectancy.
You lived off the air and sunshine
As you danced in the wind.
Fall gently friend
You hung covering all, owl, mouse,
the great, outlaw and the fungus.
You played with light and shade
As you sang in the wind.
Fall gently friend
You were unique – never again
will we see your shape and vein.
You lived alone but connected; not only
to the branch, to the tree but to the canopy.
Fall gently friend
your six months service is over.
You transpired, with others, to give life to the
But now, purpose gone, you discolour;
bringing gold and burgundy to brighten Autumn.
Fall gently friend
Free agent now, cut off from life’s source
You drift with the wind, going where Life takes
Useless; life over. The end. A new bud left
Till, in falling apart, your Life begins anew.
Dr. Stewart McMurdo, Groomsport, Bangor, Co. Down. Visiting Uibh Laoire since 1981