The following are explanations for the townland names in Uibh Laoire or Inchigeela Parish. It is not the definitive guide to the meanings but it is a help. Some meanings are lost in the fog of history while others are obvious. The list starts at the western end of the parish. It then does the townlands south of the Lee. The townlands north of the river are then covered. If you have any corrections please write them down and send them to us at Cumann Staire, Ballingeary, Co. Cork.
Augheris (793 acres) Eachrais- (1)Wood of the horses or (2)a way or passage. Cum Dubh Eachraise- Dark hollow of the passage, was an older name.
Bargariff (344 acres) Barr Garbh- Rough-topped place. Ban Barbh- Rough pasture, is heard locally
Cahernacaha (733 acres) Cathair na Caithe- Stone fort of the chaff of waste. At the south side is a large stone fort with a souterrain some distance from it and said to be connected with it. This place proved a refuge for some of those on the run following the Battle of Keimaneigh in 1822. On the north boundary is Carrigalougha- Carraig a’Loucha ( rock of the lake). A small lake is nearby.
Cappanamina (99 acres) Ceapach na Mine- Clearing of the small-sized plot
Cappanclare (181 acres) Ceapach an Chlair- Clearance of the flat land
Carrig (119 acres) Carraig- Rock or rocky place. Probably part of a name
Carrigbaun (343 acres) Carraig Bhan- White rock. At the south side is Cloghfinn-Cloch Finn( Fionn’s stone), probably a casting stone of the Fianna. At the north side is Mweelin- Maoileann( bleak hill),1603 feet.
Carrigleigh (247 acres) Carraig Liath- Grey rock.
Carrignacurra (446 acres) Carraig na Choradh- Rock of the weir. Here was an eel weir on the River Lee in 17th century. At the north side are ruins of Carrignacurra Castle which was the chief residence of the O’Learys of Iveleary. This particular branch was known as O’Leary Meirgeach or the Ensign Clan. Masters bought both castles and lands from the Hollow Sword Blade Company about 1723 and built a dwelling house nearby calling it Castle Masters. The Hollow Sword Blade Company, an English company engaged in the manufacture of edged weapons for the Crown, were often granted lands in lieu of cash payments, and so acquired the greater part of the forfeited lands of Muskerry in 1703.
Carrignadoura (422 acres) Carraig na Damhghaire- Rock of the stag herd
Carrignamuck (303 acres) Carraig na muc- Rock of the pigs. At the south side is Carrignamuck lake and a dolmen called the Giant’s Grave.
Carrignaneelagh (154 acres) Carraig na n-Iallach- Rock of the flocks or herds. It might read "of the thongs or leashes". Here stood a castle of the O’Learys which was demolished in 1822, and in the townland dwelt James Barry, or the Barrymore, in the latter part of the 18th century. He was a landlord and High Sheriff of the county. At the north side is Barry’s Bog-Port a’Bharraigh.
Cleanrath North (564 acres) Claon Rath- Sloping fort
Cleanrath South (878 acres). Here is Cleanrath Lake
Cloghboola (743 acres) Cloch Bhuaile- Cattle enclosure of the stoney place. It might read the stone cattle enclosure or milking field as distinct of the usual timber fold. The townland is centre of a large mountain valley called Gleann na Cuinge- Glen of the narrow neck of land. At the north-east is Lough Nambrackderg-Loch na mBreac Dearg (lake of the red trout).
Clogher (441 acres) Clochar- Rough, stoney place. At the north side is Carrigareirk- Carraig a’Radhairc ( rock of the fine view). In the centre is Labbadermot- Leaba Dhiarmuda (Dermot’s bed).
Cloonshear Beg (183 acres). At the east side is Tobereendowney- Tobar Ri an Domhnaigh ( well of the King of Sunday) at which ‘rounds’ were performed.
Cloonshear More (448 acres) Cluain Siar- Plain of slope of western aspect. At the west side is a large lake.
Coolcaum (231 acres) Cul Cam- Crooked recess
Cooleen (350 acres) Cuilin- Little nook.
Coolmountain (963 acres) Cuil Mointeain- Recess or hill-back of the coarse land. The surrounding district was termed Ceathramha na Cuile- Quarter land of the recess, and included Coolmountain, Coolcaum and Shehy More. At Carrigmount in the north is a ring fort while in the centre is site of an ancient cemetry. At the east side is a stone circle.
Coolnacranagh (122 acres)Cuil na gCrannach- Nook of the woods or treeplantations. A cist grave was discovered in 1947.
Coolroe East (288 acres0 Cul Ruadh- Red hollow.
Coolroe West (104 acres).
Coomdorragha (110 acres) Cum Dorcha- Dark hollow or glen.
Coomlibane (557 acres) Cum a’Leadhbain- Hollow of the small patch or rough land.
Coomroe (953 acres) Cum Ruadh-Red glen or hollow. The eastern part is termed Deep Valley Desmond or Green Valley Desmond. At the north side on the Kerry border is Bealick-Beillic (cavern) also termed Sron na Beillice-Promontory of the cavern.
Cooragreenane (572 acres) Cuar a’Ghrianain- Sunny hollow. Locally it’s sometimes termed Cul a’Ghrianain- Sunny hill-back. Part is called the Mall-Meall( knoll).
Cooralagh (201 acres) Cuar a Locha- Curved land of the lake. Cooralagh Lake is at the north-east.
Coornahahilly (594 acres) Cuar na hAith-Thuile- Corner of occasional flooding. It might read Cuar na hAith- Choille- Corner of the young wood.
Cornery ( 357 acres) Cuar nDoire - Round or crooked oakwood. Corr an Aodhaire- Sheperd’s peak according to O’Donovan. At the west side is Lackanargid- Leac an Airgid ( flagstone of the money).
Curraheen (256 acres) Curraichin- Little swamp. At the south side is a penal-day altar.
Currahy (1,076 acres) Curraighthe- Marshes or bog. Here are a number of standing stones
Dereenclodig (204 acres) Doire an Chladaigh- Oakwood of the flat stoney land with river at eastern boundary.
Derreen (353 acres) Doirin- Little oakwood. It is written Dirineknockroe in the Civil Survey of Muskerry- Doirin Cnuic Ruaidh( little oakwood of the red hill).
Derreenabourky(281 acres)Doire na Buairce- Oakwood of the spancel. Canon Lyons, historian, told the story of a milkmaid who on milking her cow at the edge of the wood observed a leprechaun hiding his treasure at the base of a particular tree. She at once marked the tree by twisting her spancel around it, and then went on to inform her men-folk of her luck. On their approaching the wood they found a spancel tied to every tree.
Derreendonee (438 acres) Doirin Dun Aodha- Little wood of Aodh’s fort. Doirin Dunadhaigh- O’Downey’s fort, according to O’Donovan. At the east side is Carraig a’Bhranair- Rock of the grubbed land. It is written Dirinedonea in th Civil Survey of Muskerry.
Derreenglass (454 acres) Doirin na nGlas- Little oakwood of the streams. It might read Doirin Glas- Little green oakwood. At the east end is a large standing stone called: Gallaunamaghera-Gallan a’Mhacaire (standing stone of the plain). It is written: Dyrinaglass in the Civil Survey of Muskerry.
Derreenlunnig (542 acres) Doire an Longaigh- Long’s oakwood or The oak wood of the Homestead or settlement. At the north side on the Kerry border is Coomataggart-Cum a’tSagairt ( priest’s hollow) or hideout, probably. At the west side is Coomclogh-Cum Cloch (stony hollow). At the east side is Stockanscrahin-Stocan Screathain (crag of the stoney slope). It is written Diryvicalongy in the Civil Survey of Muskerry.
Derrennacusha (327 acres) Doirin na Coise-Little oakwood of the foot or bottom land, bordering the lake.
Gougane lake-Gabhagan ( little cleft or crevice) with its island church and oratory ruins lies between the townlands of Coomroe, Rossalougha and Derreennacusha. The old townland of inshycoonagane (160 acres)- Inse an Chunachain ( river inch of the mossy spot) at the west side is now absorbed in Derreenacusha. In Gougane dwelt Fr. Denis O’Mahony as a hermit for twenty-eight years and the tomb in which he was buried in 1728 is on the mainland near the entrance to the island. Nearby is a small cemetry. The annual pilgrimage to Gougane was prohibited under pain of excommunication for almost a century after 1817 because of dissipation.
Derrineanig (744 acres) Doire an Aonaigh- Wood of the fair or gathering
Derrygortnacloghy (173 acres) Doire Gort na Cloiche- Wood field of the stone building or of some remarkable stone. At the west side is a cromlech. Usually called Derra today.
Derryleigh (400 acres) Doire Liath- Grey oakwood. At the east side is Bealock (way or passage). At the south side is Carrigcannon-Carraig Cheann-Fhionn ( white-topped rock). Between this townland and Gurteen in Kilmichael parish is Cownighan- Cunachan( mossy place).
Derrynagree (319 acres)Doire na Groighe- Oakwood of the stud. Here is a stone allignment
Derryriordan North (206 acres) Doire Ui Riordain- O’Riordan’s oakwood. The O’Riordans were long settled in West Muskerry being followers of the Lords of Muskerry in the 16th century.
Derryriordan South (331 acres). At the north side is a cromlech called Boardaree- Bord a’Ri (king’s table). At the east side is a cromlech called the Giants Grave while at the south is a third cromlech. At the north-west is a disused burial ground.
Derryvacorneen (439 acres) Doire mhic Chuirnin- Courtney’s oakwood
Derryvaleen (199 acres) Doire a’Mhaoilin- Wood of little bare eminence. It is written Dirgilleen in the Civil Survey of Muskerry- Doire a’Ghoillin ( wood of the hollow). Was said to have been owned by UCC and the oak trees sold.
Derryvane (355 acres) Doire an Mheathain- Wood of the twigs or saplings. It might read Doire Mheadhon- Middle wood, of the middle place. There was said to be a lime mine in the north-east.
Dooneens (751 acres) Duinini- Place of little fortified areas. Robert Emmet’s father held property here. It is written Doneeny in the Civil survey of Muskerry
Dromanallig (328 acres) Drom an Ailigh- Ridge of the rocky place. Ballingeary village-Beal Ath an Ghaoirthaodh (ford mouth of the wooded glen), partly in this townland and partly in Kilmore, is divided by the Bunsheelin River-Bun Sidhe Linn ( bottom of the fairy pool).Here are traces of an old straw- covered church. Work was begun on the church in 1824. At the west side of the townland is Cnoc an Eirbaill-Hill of the tail or end.
Dromcarra North (232 acres) Drom Carra- Ridge of the causeway or stepping-stones. It is Drom Carrach- Rough-skinned or rugged land, according to O’Donovan.At the west side is a stone allignment.
Dromcarra South (276 acres). At the north side are the ruins of a castle of the O’Leary’s which was demolished in 1968. At the west is Lackaunageehy- Leacain na Gaoithe ( windy hillside or slope). The townland is also called Boylegrove.
Dromnagapple (136 acres) Drom na gCapall- Horse ridge or hill-back.
Garryantornora (263 acres) Gaorthadh an Tornora- Wooded wet glen of the turner or the wheelwright. It could also be wooded glen of the border area. It is written Gearhantornora in the Civil Survey of Muskerry.
Garrynapeaka (188 acres) Gorthadh na Peice- Wooded glen of the peak. It is written Gearhanapeaky in the Civil Survey of Muskerry.
Glasheen(130 acres) Glaisin- Little stream. It is written Glassynamolgum in the Civil Survey of Muskerry- Glaisin na mBolgam (little stream of the sups or mouthfuls) probably small tributaries. At the west side is Dromaneen- Dromainnin- Little ridge or back.
Glebe (248 acres) Seantoir- Glebe land. At the south-west are remains of Inchigeelagh old parish church and graveyard. Here was a military barrack in 18th century. At the north side is Knocknagaune Hill- Cnoc na Gabhann ( smith’s hill).
Gortafludig (644 acres) Gort a’ Phlodaig- Field of the mire. At the south side is Poll a’Dhuibh- Hole of the black bog stuff, where flannel was dyed black.
Gortaknockane (191 acres) Gort a’Chnocain- Field of the hillock. Locally it’s sometimes termed Gort na gCnocan- Field of the hillocks.
Gortaneadin (309 acres) Gort an Eadain- Field of the hill-brow.
Gortatanavally (219 acres) Gort a tSeana- Bhaile-Field of the old habitation. At the north-east is a disused burial ground.
Gortaveer (435 acres) Gort a’Mhaoir- Field of the steward or agent.
Gorteenadrolane (125 acres) Goirtin a’Dreolain- Little field of the wren. At the south side is a ring fort.
Gortnacarriga ( 595 acres) Gort na Carraige- Field of the rock. Plas na Leanbh- Children’s place, a disused burial ground, is at the north side.
Gortnahoughtee (734 acres) Gort na hUchtaighe- Field of the firtree or house post. At the east side is a ring fort called Rathlahiff- Rath Amhlaoibh ( Amhlaoibh’s fort).
Gortnaloughra (224 acres) Gort na Luachra- Field of the rushes. Local pronounciation is Gort Luachra. Here is Muing na mBiorrai- swamp of the reeds of bulrushes.
Gortnalour (487 acres) Gort na Lobhar- Field of the lepers.
Gortnamona (136 acres) Gort na Mona-Field of the turf or bog.
Gortnarea (282 acres) Gort na reidhe-Field of the moorland. An earlier name was Carravoniheen- Carra Bhainne Chaoin ( rough land of the spurge).
Graigue (594 acres) Graig- Village or hamlet.
Grotsmoorane (186 acres) Gort Smurain- Field of ashes. From surface burning to encourage the growth of grass.
Gurteenakilla (423 acres) Goirtin na Cille- Little field of the church. It has been written Goirtin na Coille- Little field of the wood. At the east side near Augheris townland boundary are remains of Augheris church and graveyard-Teampull Earchraise ( church of the way or passage) which proves an alteration in the townland boundaries. This part of the townland is called Ban a’Teampuill- Green patch of the church- in which is a standing stone nineteen feet high and reputed to be the second highest in Ireland. In those old church ruins O’Sullivan Beara encamped on the first night after leaving Glengarriff in December 1602. It is written Gortinakilly in the Civil Survey of Muskerry.
Gurteenflugh (236 acres) Goirtin Fliuch- Little wet field.
Gurteenowen (143 acres) Goirtin Eoghain- Owen’s little field.
Illauninagh East (186 acres) Oileain Aibhneach- Islands formed by the river. It is written Ilaneoynagh in the Civil Survey of Muskerry
Illauninagh West (457 acres).
Inchibeg (447 acres) Inse Bheag-Little river inch. At the west side is the Pass of Keimaneigh-Ceim an Fhiaidh (deers mountain-pass) near the eastern mouth of which was An Athan- The little ford ,where a hedge school existed.
Inchideraille (277 acres) Inse Idir Dha Fhaill- River inch between two rocks. At the north side is Knocknalanniv- Cnoc na Leanbh ( children’s hill) where there is a children’s burial ground.
Inchigeelagh (104 acres) Inse Geimhleach- River inch of the fetters or the hostages. The hostages were said to have been Cotters.
Inchigrady (458 acres) Inse Ui Ghreada- O’Grady’s river inch. (In the 1999 Journal we gave the wrong acreage (of 158) for Inchigrady. Sorry!)
Inchimore (602 acres) Inse Mhor- Large river inch.At the east side is a large standing stone called Cloghbarra supposed to have been associated with St. Finbar. Cloghbarra is listed as a townland of forty acres in the Civil Survey of Muskerry.At the south side is Doughill Mountain-Dubh Choill (black or dark wood). It is 1,533 feet high.
Inchinaneave (355 acres) Inse na Naobh- Inch of the river rafts. It is possible that river rafts were used for crossing the River Lee here. At the south side is the Giant’s Grave, remains of a pre-historic tomb. Nearby is Carrignaconra-Carraig na Conra (rock of the chest or coffin).
Inchineill (313 acres) Inse Ui Neill- River inch of O’Neill. At the south side in the River Lee is Pouleenastala-Poillin na Stalach ( little pool of the stallion), probably drowned there.
Inchinossig (331 acres) Inse an Fhosaigh- River inch of the encampment, level spot. May also be Inch of the female deer. It is written Inshynossig in the Civil Survey of Muskerry.
Kealvaugh Beg (229)
Kealvaugh More (390 acres) Caol-Mhagh- Narrow plane, or Caolbhach- Place of saplings or light plantation. At the south side is a small ring fort. Fr. D. O’Donnoghue wrote in 1917 that "Páirc na Leasa, where fort is. The fort is oval being about 110 feet by 123 feet internal measure. The accumiallation is very ruinous. In the middle there is a little rise of ground. J. O' Leary told us it sounds hollow, when trodden on in Summer time. Henry Herrick and after him his son George Herrick were landlords of Kaolvaugh before purchace."
Keamcorravooley (415 acres) Ceim Corr- Bhuaile- Track of the round Cattle field. At the south side is a dolmen called the Giant’s Grave- Uaigh an Fhathaigh.
Kilbarry (166 acres) Cill Barra- Church of St. Finbarr. This was, in all probability, one of the churches which the saint built on his way from Gougane to Cork. At the north side is site of a church with a disused burial ground. Here later, according to Bishop Dive Downes, was a chapel of ease to Inchigeelagh which was built by the O’Leary’s.
Kilmore (417 acres) Coill Mhor- Large wood. At the south side is an old graveyard named Cillin Leasa Ronain- Little fort church of St. Ronain. At the west side was a carding mill (Ronan’s).
Lackabaun (372 acres) Leaca Bhan- White or bare hillside. On the north boundary is Mullaghmearogafin- Mullach Mearoga Finn (summit of the fingerstones of Fionn) and a dolmen of the name is on the east side. At the east side is Knockaunnabipee- Cnocan na bPiopai ( hillock of the pipes). At the south side is Ahanaskerlough cross-roads- Ath an Earscarlaigh( fort of the cascade spot).
Lackabaun (396 acres) Leacha Bhan- White or bare hillside. At the west side on the Kerry border is Lackabaun from which the townland derives its name. At the south side is a large standing stone.
Lagneeve (102 acres) Leath-Ghniomh- Half measure of land. A Gniomh is one twelfth of a ploughland of ten acres.
Lyrenageeha (484 acres)Ladhar na Gaoithe - Fork of the wind.
Maulmore (207 acres) Meall Mor- Large knoll.
Milleen (343 acres) Millin- Little knoll. It is written Millinavarodig in the Civil Survey of Muskerry- Millin a’Bharoidigh ( Barrett’s little knol). The townland is sometimes termed Hedgefield.
Milmorane (430 acres) Meall Moran- Knoll of the mountain rushes or rock plants. At the south side are a number of lakes.
Monavaddra (476 acres) Muine a’Mhadraidh- Brake of the dog or fox. At the north-east is a fort, Cahereragh- Cathair Aerach (airy stone fort).
Moneylea (249 acres) Muine Liath- Grey shrubbery. It might read Muine Laogh- Shrubbery of the calves. On the north side is Mount Prospect.
Rathgaskig (607 acres) Rath an Ghaiscigh- Fort of the champion or hero. A large ring fort of this name is at the south side while at the north is a smaller ring fort.
River Lee following its four mile expansion in the beautiful Lough Allua becomes suddenly confined in a narrow gorge on its approach to this townland. The Inchigeelagh lakes, Lough Allua- Locha Luadh, derive their either from a mythical serpent banished by St. Finnbarr or from Flann Luadh, son of Laoghaire of the 6th century. Inchigeelagh village is situated between this townland and Carrigleigh. The Protestant church in the village was closed in 1909.
Rossalougha (923 acres) Ros a’Locha- Copse of the lake. Part is termed Shanakill-Seana Choill (old wood). The wood has been cut. At the south side is Eisc Bhuidhe- Yellow or muddy swamp. At the west side on the Kerry border is Clogheragh- Clocharach( stoney place).At the north is Foilnashrone-Faill na Sroine( cliff of the projection). On the west border is Derreenaveigh-Doirin na bhFiadh ( little wood of the deer).
Rossmore (493 acres) Ros Mor- Large wood or copse. It is written Rossmore and Glascale in the Civil Survey of Muskerry- Glais Chaol ( narrow valley).
Scrahan (131 acres) Screathan - Stoney slope or coarse land
Scrahanmore (187 acres) Screathan Mor- Big stoney slope.
Shanacrane East (866 acres) Seana-Charran- Old rough, scabby land or stoney place. Here are e few standing stones.
Shanacrane West (528 acres).
Shehy Beg (720 acres). Here is Sid na bhfear bhFinn- Seat of the fair men
Shehy More (645 acres) Cnoc na Seagha- Hill of the elk. It might read Cnoc na Seithe- Hill of the hide or pelt, rough top. At the north side is Knockrour- Cnoc Reamhar (large, round hill).
Silvergrove (394 acres) Doire an Airgid- Grove or wood of the silver. It is written Diryargid in the Civil Survey of Muskerry.
Teerenassig (295 acres) Tir an Easaigh- Land of the waterfall. At the west side are disused burial ground and a ring fort.
Teergay ( 237 acres) Tir gCaoth- Land of quagmires. At the west side is a stone circle. At the north is Toon Bridge.
Tooreen(152 acres) Tuairin- Green or sheep-walk. At the south side is a stone allignment.
Tooreenalour (532 acres) Tuairin na Lobhar- Leper’s Green. In the centre is Carriganine - Carraig an Eidhin (ivy- covered rock) It might read Carraig an Adhainn- Rock of the coltsfoot. At the east side is Drohidaspaunig Bridge- Droichead a’Spainnigh ( Bridge of the Spaniard).
Tooreenduff (437 acres) Tuairin Dubh- Black or dark reclaimed grazing land.
Tooreenlahard (140 acres) Tuairin Leath-Ard- Sloping green. It is written Tirinelehard in the Civil Survey of Muskerry.
Tooreennanean (201 acres) Tuairin na n-Ean- Little reclamed wood of the birds.Here was born in 1774 the Muskerry poetess, Maire Bhuidhe Ni Laoghaire.
Tullagh (406 acres) Tulach- Mound. In the centre is a ring fort.
Turnaspidogy (827 acres) Tor na Spideoige- Bush of the robin. It is written Tyrenaspiddogy in the Civil Survey of Muskerry- Tir na Spideoige, ( district of the robin). This is the local pronunciation. At the south side is a small ring fort while opposite the townland in the River Lee is a crannog, the only one in the county. It is termed Illaunieveaghane-Oilean Ui Mhaothagain (Mehigan’s island) from a Cineal Laoghaire chieftain.