Formation of the Inchigeela Volunteers
Those who were masters of Inchigeela in the 18th Century developed a class of patriotism of their own and the Inchigeela Volunteers were formed on June 1st 1779
Their uniform was a blue jacket edged with buff, waistcoat and breeches. Jasper Masters, of Carrignacurra Castle was their commandant, Boyle of Boylesgrove and Barry of Carrignageela or Kilbarry were subordinate officers. Their purpose was to maintain law and order and incidentally to maintain themselves in possession of their estates. When the Volunteer system ceased they became Yeomanry officers and kept the local people in terror of their lives through those periods of insurrectionary movements in 1798 and 1803.
A description of the three castles written early in the
last Century describes Carricknacurra as built on an elevated rock
on the south side of the Lee, a mile east of Inchigeela. Carrignageela was destroyed in 1822 and its materials used in the erection of a new residence. It stood on the north slope of Kilbarry and looked down on the valley of the Toon River. The third castle was eastward and looked down on the Lee where it makes a bend to the north for two or three miles at right angles to its ordinary course.
I need not here describe the
conflicts which took place in this parish during
the Whiteboy Insurrection of 1822. They
have been well described by Maire Bui Ni
Laoghaire. The gentlemen of the district, aided
by troops from Cork and Bantry, rounded up all
likely suspects and they were tried by a
special Commission of Judges who sat at
Cork in the Spring of 1822. Fourteen men
were charged with having fired at Robert
Hedges,Syre of Macroom Castle and Richard Ashe.
Evidence went to show that on January 24th the
mail coach was stopped at Tuatha na
Dromann Pike,(near Kilnamartyra) about five
miles west of Macroom by Whiteboys
who smashed the coach to atoms. Robert
Hedges Syre and the Rifle brigade from
Macroom rounded up the district and brought in
two dead Whiteboys and 21 prisoners. Ten
were found guilty.
Another conflict took
place at Deshure. One man was killed and
29 prisoners brought to Cork. All but three were
found guilty. Some sentences were reduced to
transportation for life.
Hole, where they molder
We'll pass on another thirty
years, and find out from Griffith's
Poor Law
Valuation List in 1852 who held Inchigeela.
At Cappanaclar
Rev. Jeremiah Holland, PP
held 180 acres from Jasper Pyne,
and at
Carrignacurra 18 acres.
At Dooneens (Robert
Emmet's farm) John and Cornelius Lucey held 757
acres from Robert Adams who was their landlord.
At Garrnapeaka
Patrick Healy, James Moynihan
and Jerh Mahoney were tenants to James
Browne. At Coornarahilly Williarn Sannell,
John Kelleher, Tim Kearney ~
and Edmund Ring
held their lands from John Orpen. At
Patrick OLeary held
248 acre from Jasper Pyne. At
Tureenduff, James
Walsh held 437 acres
from James Minhear. At Terranassig,
Cotter and Robert Wiseman
held from Louis Gollock. At Tureenalour,
John Cronin from Jasper Pyne. At
Agheris, Denis Lucey and C. Cronin
from Wmn. S Hoare. The Rev. Jeremiah
Holland held from Thomas Barters the
chapleyard and national school. Carrignaneelagh
was held by Nicholas Barry.
The head
landlords were Henry Hatchell and Thomas Leader.
was held by James O Leary from
Thomas Barters.
At Glasheen, Richard O'Leary
held lands in fee and had a tenant, Michael
Goggin. Rev. James White was Protestant
Rector and held church,
graveyard and
demesne lands in free. Dromcarra was in
the Court of Chancery.
Devonshire Hawkes
resided in the mansion house which replaced the
old castle. Con, John and Denis Cronin
held Gurteenakilla with Richard
Townsend as landlord. At Terrgay,
where old Keadach O'Leary lived (he
had fought in the KingJames wars) now lived
Edward Woods and the land-
lord was Thomas
These are only few samples from
the original Poor Law
Valuation Lists.
The later history of the district is similar to
rest of Ireland. Agitation against
the land lord system forced Mr..
and the Liberal Party in the British Parliament
to take
away the power of fixing rent from
the landlord of tenure so 1ong
as the
tenant paid his rent. The Wyndham Act of
1903 gave the tenant his land
on payment of a
terminal annuity. Thus ownership of the
land passed back to the decendants of those who
had stayed at home in 1690 instead of going to
France and Spain
Extracted from an
article by John T Collins from